Arkansas History Program of Study
The courses found in our 45-hour Arkansas History Program of Study were chosen by the Arkansas Department of Education to be a comparable alternative to a required set of three traditional college credit hours needed for some initial Arkansas Educator’s Licenses. Please contact ADE to verify that the program meets your specific needs. You may contact the Office of Educator Licensure directly at 501-682-4342.
In order to earn a certificate of completion for the 45-hour program of study, you must first create an ArkansasIDEAS account and then enroll in the program. All required course links will be available within the program of study page. Make sure you are accessing the required courses from within the program of study in order to receive credit toward its completion.
ArkansasIDEAS must verify that you have satisfactorily completed each component of all courses in the program before a certificate can be awarded. This verification includes: 1) time spent viewing each video; 2) number of attempts at assessments; 3) passing score of 80% or above on all assessments; and 4) completion of course surveys.
Creating an ArkansasIDEAS Account
If you currently hold an Arkansas Teaching License or have submitted provisional licensure paperwork to ADE, then you have been assigned an AELS number. You can check your AELS status at the AELS Public Site. If you show up in that database then you are eligible to create an ArkansasIDEAS account. Go to, click "Log in," then click "Create New Account." If you do not have an AELS number, please contact the ADE Office of Educator Licensure at 501-682-4342 for assistance. Please click here to view our account creation guide and other help documents.
Enrolling in the Program of Study
- Log in to your ArkansasIDEAS account.
- On the left of the Home screen, you will see a box titled Programs of Study. Follow the instructions in the box to enroll.
- To complete the coursework, hover your mouse over the Find Learning tab. Select Programs from the drop-down menu and click on the program of study. You will now be in the program course list and can begin.
Notice: Some of these same courses exist outside of the program. Those versions of the courses do not count for credit toward completing the program. To ensure you are working in the right place, always access the courses from the program of study page.
Obtaining a Certificate of Completion
Once you have completed all of the courses in the program of study, you must follow the instructions provided when you enrolled in the program in order to obtain a certificate of completion. If you enrolled into the program of study on or after October 22, 2018, your certificate will automatically generate upon successful completion of all coursework. If you enrolled prior to October 22, 2018, please email us at to request that your work be verified. Upon verification of all coursework, a PDF of your certificate of completion will be provided. Please be aware that verification may take 7-10 business days.
In order to complete the process for licensure after receiving your certificate, you must follow any submission guidelines provided by ADE. If you have any questions regarding the submission process please contact the Office of Educator Licensure directly at 501-682-4342.
User Support
For further assistance with the use of the ArkansasIDEAS learning management system, please contact the ArkansasIDEAS Help Desk by email or by phone 1-800-488-6689. Please specify that you need information about a program of study.