Supporting the needs of Arkansas's educators
In the Educator's Corner, you will find resources provided to you through your ArkansasIDEAS account, special projects, upcoming events, and challenges, along with other outreach opportunities.
Course Catalog
With more than 700 courses and 900 credit hours available, ArkansasIDEAS is the most utilized teacher professional development resource for K-12 educators in Arkansas.
Video Resources
From heat illness to autism awareness and suicide prevention awareness, ArkansasIDEAS offers a number of informational videos to support educators.
K-12 Resources
Arkansas PBS offers educators, students, and families the tools and resources necessary to enhance the learning environment so that they grow and succeed.
Administrative Reporting
District administrators now have a dashboard to view and generate reports on specific courses or your users' ArkansasIDEAS activity and records.

Arkansas History Program of Study
A DESE-approved alternative to three college credits required for some initial Arkansas Educator's licenses.

ArkansasIDEAS and the offices of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure have partnered to offer micro-credentials for educators in Arkansas. This personalized, competency-based professional learning helps you improve a discrete skill over time. Micro-credentials are offered on a rotating schedule with a limited number of seats, so enroll as soon as you are interested!