Suicide Prevention: Looking Deeper
According to the Jason Foundation, four out of five teens display warning signs before they attempt suicide. In most cases, however, the seeds of trauma that brought them to that place were planted much earlier. Shawna Burns, licensed professional counselor and founder of Seed Digging Wellness Center, shares personal stories and case studies that show the connections between those seeds, student behaviors, and the innate needs within all of us. Burns discusses the importance of recognizing suicide warning signs, being aware of risk factors, and having a plan for prevention. She also shares classroom strategies for creating a safe and secure environment for students that speaks to the innate needs that are so often at the root of suicide.
The course that these videos were created for meets the requirements of Act 770 of 2011.
Lesson One
(Segment 1 of 17)
Presenter Shawna Burns expresses the importance of focusing on prevention as she introduces the course, Suicide Prevention: Looking Deeper.
The Root Causes of Suicide
(Segment 2 of 17)
Shawna Burns shares the objectives for the course and connects the root causes of suicide with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Emotional Trauma and Innate Needs
(Segment 3 of 17)
In this segment, Shawna Burns explores emotional trauma and describes its connection with Maslow’s innate needs.
Emotional Survival and Coping Skills
(Segment 4 of 17)
Shawna Burns explores the detrimental outcomes that often happen when a person develops coping skills in an attempt to survive emotionally.
The Garden Analogy
(Segment 5 of 17)
Shawna Burns explains the garden analogy and how our beliefs become the seeds that produce our positive and negative behaviors.
Lesson Two
Case Studies Part I
(Segment 6 of 17)
Shawna Burns shares the story of a thirteen-year-old. She begins with the behaviors observed by teachers, then takes us back to the original trauma seed.
Case Studies Part II
(Segment 7 of 17)
Shawna Burns shares the stories of two young ladies and once again traces their behaviors back to the original trauma seeds.
Helplessness vs. Hopelessness
(Segment 8 of 17)
Students experiencing trauma may sometimes act impulsively. Shawna Burns discusses the importance of responding quickly at this dangerous time.
Warning Signs and Elevated Risk Factors
(Segment 9 of 17)
Shawna Burns discusses the warning signs for suicide, which students may have an elevated risk of suicide, and some of the factors that put them at risk.
Planning for Prevention
(Segment 10 of 17)
Shawna Burns explains the importance of having a plan for suicide prevention. She also talks about how to have a difficult conversation with a student at risk.
Lesson Three
Setting a Safe and Secure Atmosphere Part I
(Segment 11 of 17)
Shawna Burns encourages awareness of tone and posture when addressing students, in order to set a safe school and classroom atmosphere.
Setting a Safe and Secure Atmosphere Part II
(Segment 12 of 17)
Shawna Burns shares simple strategies for helping students feel safe and secure that can be a lifeline to struggling students.
Setting a Safe and Secure Atmosphere Part III
(Segment 13 of 17)
In this segment, Shawna Burns explains how students are supported by the speaking and modeling of the seven innate needs.
Lesson Four
Setting a Safe and Secure Atmosphere Part IV
(Segment 14 of 17)
Shawna Burns discusses student discipline and the importance of separating the garden from the weeds.
Setting a Safe and Secure Atmosphere Part V
(Segment 15 of 17)
Shawna Burns offers strategies for giving students a safe outlet to express their frustrations.
(Segment 16 of 17)
Shawna Burns discusses suicide prevention resources that are available.